Saturday, November 24, 2018

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade: King Kong

First of all, nobody told me King Kong was performing, somehow that missed all the lists that I read so I was not prepared. Secondly, I have a lot of thoughts on this show. I remember when it was shooting for a spot on Broadway a few years ago but got pushed out by Spiderman (apparently there are only so many Broadway theaters big enough to support a show of this scale) and so it had to make it's away to Australia and keep finessing a little bit. This was right around when I was really getting into stage automation and so I was totally digging the animatronic work they've done with Kong. I would say this is hands down the coolest prop ever used on Broadway (Take that Chitty Chitty Bang Bang) and I would definitely pay just to see that big guy move around, but most of what I've heard (including this scathing review) says that there really isn't many reasons to see the show besides the spectacle of Kong himself. So I was interested to see this performance to see what the show had to offer content wise.

Bad news, the critics were right. I mean, Kong is awesome, really awesome! Almost too awesome? Like, I'm not sure how much detail folks will be able to see from the back of the Broadway Theater, but even in these super closeups he looks really, really good! Unfortunately, I still can't find any other reason to like the show. This song was pretty boring and kind of trite and I'm still not entirely sure what it was saying. I don't particularly care about Christiani Pitt's character, and her singing didn't blow me away either. King Kong has a great puppet, and this video did inform viewers that it's a cool puppet, but I'm afraid it actually made me want to see the show less. Do you suppose they'd just sell tickets to a character meet & greet?

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