Friday, November 26, 2021

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade: Chicago

Oh Chicago, what can I say about this show? I guess it's one of those that I appreciate for being a classic, and it is, having reached it's 25 year anniversary and publicizing it's record as the longest running American musical (take that Phantom). Watching that Fossee choreography is always special and some of these songs do feel really nostalgic. That being said, I think what I associate Chicago with the most is the people walking around timesquare trying to get you to see Chicago, or the endless round of celebrities they send through that show trying to keep it relevant. Personally, I'd be interested to see somebody try to do a very new and daring chicago (maybe we modernize it? Maybe we imply that the whole thing was Roxie's fever dream and she never killed nobody? Maybe we do the whole thing in Hungarian except for that one line in Cell Block Tango that's in English?), but I didn't expect there to be much this performance could do that would make me interested in the current show running on Broadway.
I was right. I mean, it was fine. They did fine. Everything is fine. The fossee choreo was very fun, and making half of it just a dance break was a bold move. But of all the performances this year, this one had to be the most "meh" for me. I think it's great that Fossee is still being shown and I'm sure it's kind of special for this cast to be performing in a production that's probably be running for longer than some of them have been alive. I don'n't mind it being on the parade I guess, but all in all, I just can't say I get all the "whoopee."

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